Onsite Inspect

Onsite Inspect - Clicking "Close" > Wording of the Warning

When you are in the middle of an inspection and you wish to close an existing "item" you click "Close" (on the top left hand side). The current warning says:

"Warning - Any changes made will be lost. Continue?”.

This wording is confusing to the user as it appears you may lose all content entered so far on the inspection. It should state that it refers the last "Item" only, which is how it actually works. Every training session I have to explain to ignore this warning and explain what it means.

I would like to propose a change to this wording please?

An example of wording could be "Your response in the current item will be lost. Continue?"



  • Ali Briffa
  • Nov 2 2022
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Ali Briffa commented
    November 03, 2022 03:57

    That is great news Matthew - thank you!!

  • Admin
    Matthew Garrett commented
    November 03, 2022 00:05

    Thanks for your idea. This has been approved for development.