Onsite Inspect

Onsite Inspect - How to know which inspection has been emailed or not

Some feedback from our Supervisors using the Onsite Inspect app. They are now doing numerous inspections on several jobs over the day. They have been told to send the inspection when they have good connection which varies from site to site.

The feedback is they cannot see from the app which inspections have been emailed and which ones have not. The only way is for them to email it to themselves and cross check which doesn't always work when you are juggling so many things.

Is there a possibility to create a "sent" progress so they know they have sent the inspection? This will also be relevant when we go to "Send to DMS". We have the notice that says "Report Successfully Sent" but nothing stays against the inspection.

This would help them when managing numerous inspections.

  • Ali Briffa
  • Oct 27 2022
  • Attach files